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Raleigh International modifies programme to include boosting employment skills

Raleigh International will be launching a new version of their adventure-travel programme for young people looking to boost their potential for employment.Unlike the traditional programme that attracts mostly 17 or 18-year-olds straight out of high school, who are interested in the personal development and travel aspects of the scheme, the new component will be recruiting young people aged 19 to 25.Executive director Kristin White said the programme was suited for people who may have graduated from high school or university and are having a hard time finding a job.It is also ideal for those who have been stuck in low-entry job positions and want to push themselves into the career of their choosing.“This is going to be more focused on creating a plan for your life and setting out a path to get you on the career or college path you desire.“Raleigh teaches you so much you can then translate to a career, like leadership, communication, team building. You learn about yourself and the world and how to work with people from several different backgrounds.”Eleven young people are currently on overseas expeditions with Raleigh. Some are building water systems to bring running water to villages in Nicaragua and Borneo; while a few others are helping to build a home and installing toilets in India.At last update, some participants were taking part in treks; while others were working on environmental projects in rainforests and jungles or digging elephant-proof trenches in India.Ms White said the new programme offers the same basic components as the original version, including a training segment, ten-week overseas expedition to either Malaysia, India or Central America and long-term coaching period.But it will also provide a host of job-readiness preparation, like career planning and interview skills.Successful applicants will also be given resume writing advice to help them highlight their Raleigh experience “in a way that differentiates them from the next applicant”.Ms White said the new programme was particularly relevant in light of the economic climate which has made it tougher for university graduates to get employed and caused those with less education to be most at risk of losing their job.The charity has been in touch with the Department of Labour and Training to get information on the Island’s latest unemployment figures.Ms White said she has also been in touch with the Co-Educational Facility to discus opportunities for how young people can take part in the upcoming trip in January/February.Raleigh is also looking to get the word out to businesses and let employers know about the skills programme participants can bring to a company.The programme is fully funded by Raleigh’s sponsors, however, participants have to take part in a fundraising drive to raise $500.Ms White said sponsors have been supportive and continue to financially back the programme because of its proven success.Eighty-two percent of programme participants were working or in school; 100 percent of young people felt it made a positive impact on their confidence and trusting others; and 70 percent felt it really impacted their employability, said Ms White.She said the upcoming programme can accommodate 15 young people and added: “We are just looking to reach those people who are ready to make a change for themselves.“We are looking for those people who are saying ‘I am ready for my job and career. I just need that extra boost to make it there’.”Raleigh will be having information sessions at their office near Bargain Box off Serpentine Road in Pembroke on Monday, July 25, August 16 and 27 from 6pm.For the first time they will also be hosting recruitment drives in the East and West Ends of the Island. On August 2, Ms White will be speaking with potential participants at Sandys 360; and on August 9 she will be presenting at the St George’s Cricket Club.Application forms, which are available by e-mail or at the office on Midsea Lane, must be submitted by September 2. For more information e-mail info[AT]raleigh.bm or call 333-5678.