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Mother stole to feed daughter court hears

A social inquiry report has been ordered into the circumstances of a mother who told a court she stole more than $1,000 from her former employer in order to feed her young daughter and pay bills.

Joanne B. Simons, 37, of Spanish View Road, Smith's, elected trial in Magistrates' Court and pleaded guilty to three charges of theft.

The court heard that on three separate occasions, Ms Simons stole money from her employer, Bermuda Security Group.

On two of the occasions -- November 28 and 29 -- Ms Simons admitted she received payments from account holders with her employer and issued receipts while pocketing the cash for personal use. The amounts were $500 and $430 respectively.

When she was dismissed from her job on January 5 due to poor performance she then removed $75 from the company float.

Simons was represented by defence counsel Larry Mussenden who told the court that his client was under considerable financial strain as her husband is in prison and she had to support her seven-year-old daughter.

In addition, he said Simons was trying to pay off a hospital bill of more than $20,000 related to her daughter which stems from a period when she had no health insurance.

Mr. Mussenden requested that a social inquiry report be ordered and Magistrate Ed King adjourned the matter for sentencing until next month.

Simons was also charged with driving without a licence, driving an unlicensed cycle and two speeding offences.

Simons pleaded guilty to all four offences. Mr. King fined her $260 for speeding at 65 kmh on June 2, 1998, $220 for speeding at 59 kmh on January 21, 1999, $100 for driving without a licence and $250 for driving an unlicensed cycle on October 11 of last year.

Mr. King then adjourned the penalties pending the result of the social inquiry report.