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Cab driver Cal helps passengers get into the Christmas spirit

IF ever Santa Claus encountered a breakdown with his sleigh on Christmas Eve, he might find Cal O'Connor's taxi a suitable replacement.

Every year since 1954, Mr. O'Connor has spent a considerable amount of time and effort into modifying his vehicle into a mobile Christmas tree, complete with all the festive trimmings.

Redefining the meaning of "Deck the Halls", Mr. O'Connor, 69, takes tremendous pride and joy extending a bit Christmas spirit to those privileged to get a ride in his taxi.

"It's a hobby of mine. I like to make things look pretty," explained Mr. O'Connor, who is also an avid Bermuda kite maker.

"It's just a matter of making things look pretty and everyone, whether young or old, as long as they are not named Ray Charles or Lance Hayward, love the car. Everybody who rides in my taxi loves it."

Mr. O'Connor's taxi is equipped with flashing lights, both in the back and front, with a Christmas tree in the back window further complemented by imitation snow ? just to give it an authentic Christmas glow.

In addition, old Saint Nick takes his rightful place sitting atop the meter box which takes on the appearance of a house, complete with a Bermuda stone roof.

A 40-year taxi veteran, Mr. O'Connor has become a big hit among kids who receive tasty sweets whenever they ride along.

"Most people when they see me driving along just look and shake their heads, and the tourists love it," he said.

"My car is what they call a space wagon but at night time it looks like a space saucer when it is all lit up."