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Top cyclist calls for drivers to be more careful

For the second time this year, top cyclist Dayna Henry has had his season interrupted by a bike crash.

And yesterday the cyclist made a plea to all road users to exercise more caution, following an accident on the junction of Tee Street and South Shore when a dump truck pulled out in front of him.

"I'm tired of motorists not paying attention,'' said Henry who was gearing up for the team triathlon on September 20 when he was to partner Kavin Smith and Nuri Latham.

Henry was riding his motorbike when the truck in front of him turned onto Tee Street and the truck at the junction pulled into his path. The resulting accident left the rider with swollen knees and road rash on his left arm.

"He said he didn't see me,'' said Henry of the truck driver's explanation.

In February Henry was involved in a more serious accident on his motorbike, this time suffering a broken toe, torn ligaments in his left knee and a pinched nerve in his back. That laid him up for two and a half months.

"People call me accident prone ...and I've had enough of them since 1985,'' Henry admits.

Despite the dangers on the road, which is the only place for top cyclists to train, Henry is determined to achieve his goal of riding in the 2000 Olympics and the Pan Am Games.

"I still have a strong enough spirit to get back up and do what I have to do,'' he stated. "My goal is still the Olympics and Pan Am Games next year.'' He said the manner in which motorists drive on the roads also puts runners and walkers at risk. Overgrown hedges compound the problem on the narrow streets, making it hazardous for road users.

"Even if we had the Base to train, it doesn't have enough terrain. It's minor compared to other places like Collector's Hill, McGall's or Knapton Hill.

"We try to pick a decent time to go out, either in the early morning or late evening. We try to be on the road by 5.30 in the morning and off by 7 p.m.

when there is no traffic.'' Most of Henry's accidents have been on his motorbike, though there was a serious accident on his pedal bike four years ago which left him with head injuries and his bike a write-off.

Dayna Henry