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UCW's Maritime Conference head enjoys visit to the island

THE local chapter of the United Church of Women has had a distinguished Canadian guest in their presence this week.

Reta Manuel, president of the Maritime Conference of United Church of Women, who hails from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, made a week-long stop in time for the UCW's annual meeting.

"We have business meetings as well as outreach work. Our purpose is to serve Christ in devotion, witnessing and (Bible) study. The conference covers three Maritime Provinces, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and the Gas Bay Coast and Bermuda."

While it is Mrs. Manuel's first trip here in an official capacity, she says she intends to visit all 14 presbyterials.

"During my week here I'll be visiting each church and I'm here specifically for the ladies' AGM. The meeting will be informal except for a midweek meeting, which is the annual meeting of the Bermudian Presbyterial," she explained.

During Mrs. Manuel's whistlestop tour, she will be visiting the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and a senior citizens' home. While the number of active members has dwindled over the years due to more women being in the workforce, Mrs. Manuel said meetings normally averaged between 40 and 50 members.

Mrs. Manuel, recalling how Bermuda came under the umbrella of the United Church of Canada Methodist and the Maritime Conference, said: "Bermuda is with the Maritime Conference because of its trade in the 1920s and during those times their ministerial involvement. They are a part of us and we are a part of them."

This will be the first time the president of the Maritime Conference, the Rev. Ivan Gregan, and the president of the UCW have been on the island at the same time. "We are both from the same pastoral church in Dartmouth," she said.

During her visit Mrs. Manuel described the local atmosphere as wonderful and thanked her hosts whom she described as people who opened their hearts to her. The women of the church had been so open and receiving, she added.

Mrs. Manuel returns to Canada tomorrow.