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Teenager pleads guilty to gun charges

A teenager admitted handling a gun and ammunition this morning, shortly before his trial was due to begin.Darrion Simons, of Crane Lane, Pembroke, was caught red handed with the Smith and Wesson pistol and five .38 calibre bullets on November 5 last year.Prosecutor Carrington Mahoney did not outline the crime in full during the brief hearing at Supreme Court. However, he explained afterwards that the 19-year-old was spotted by police acting suspiciously outside the derelict Clay House Inn on North Shore Road, Devonshire, in the early hours of the morning.They arrested him after seeing him put the gun under a car.Acting Judge Juan Wolffe remanded Simons into custody until September 4 when a date for his sentencing will be fixed.Mr Justice Wolffe also ordered a pre sentence report at the request of defence lawyer Charles Richardson, who said Simons has no previous convictions.