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Dixon stars for 'Gades

A much-improved Renegades team defeated Mariners by five tries and four conversions to three tries and one conversion in Second XV actions at National Sports Club on Saturday.

Rod Carruthers was at scrum-half and Peter Voss at flanker and throwing in the line-out. Poor ball resulted and Mariners never go the ball moving. Renegades' backs, on the other hand, ran and handled like a unit and this gave them a definite edge with Tom Dixon, the second XV Amstel Player of the Week, scoring two well-taken tries from full-back.

Mariners seemed to rely on more individual efforts from Jon O'Kelly-Lynch and Terry Madeiros.

Renegades' forwards were in control in the first half and rucked well with newcomer Nick Hinton driving well in the loose play. This certainly helped centre Nick Elwig and Dixon show their pace resulting in three tries between them in the first half.

O'Kelly-Lynch replied with a try and had a hand in another after using his pace to beat two defenders before setting up newcomer Ben Southampton to make it 19-12 at the half.

In the second half, Mariners had to make several replacements through injuries and their resultant disorganisation resulted in Martin Jinks scoring 14 points with two well-taken tries, which he also converted. Dave Conway replied with another for Mariners.

Teachers 33, Police 0 Teachers thoroughly dominated the second game and the final result could have been much higher but for the poor ball handling of Teachers' backs.

Teachers knew they had an uphill struggle when in the first few scrums the Teachers front row of Mike Dawson, Brian Toms and Peter Simons drove their opposite numbers up in the air.

Teachers were warned by referee Kieron Peacock of the dangerous tactic, but they nevertheless won almost every scrum. Two tries were scored by number eight Pat McHugh from scrum pushovers near the Mariners line.

Graham Jones ran 30 yards to score after Toms had sold an outrageous dummy in midfield. Clifford Savery bulldozed his way over from five yards and Peter Booth contributed 13 points from the boot with three penalty kicks and two conversions.