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Hot shots put on exhibition

effort when they star in a Bermuda Darts Association exhibition at Docksiders on Front Street on Thursday night.

Deller, a former world champion, and Lazarenko, a former England international known as `Big Cliff', will start off the evening with a clinic for youth players at 7.30. An hour later they will be showing just how it's done and accepting challenges from the floor.

Entrance is $10 by ticket or on the door.

Meanwhile, it's tight at the top following the opening games of the BDA season.

Three teams -- BAA I, Mariners/Beach I and Nationals -- are all neck and neck at the head of the table with 12 points apiece.

Competition is hot even at this early stage and there have already been four high finishes and several 180s.

Michael `Chick' Simons set the mark in the high finish stakes with a 154 game shot for Mariners/Beach I. In the ton-up race, Vernon Daniels is the man to catch with 17 after just three games.

Following in his wake are Dave Griffin, Jimmy Pratt and Bart Lewis with 14, 12 and 11 100s respectively.

In the Second Division, Sandys II have have a clear lead of 19 points -- six ahead of BPSA II and Swizzle II.