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MAMA knows best about supporting mums and dads

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A mother's group association meeting at Botanical Gardens' visitor centre. Tanya Evong with her son Dayne Evong.April 24, 2008

Among the various support groups on the Island, most are surprised when they discover the Meet-A-Mum Association, which acts as a support group for mothers on the Island.

The Meet-A-Mum Association (MAMA) originated in the United Kingdom in 1982 as a support and resource group to assist new mothers. The Bermuda chapter of the Meet-A-Mum Association was formed in 1986 and is now 200 members strong.

New MAMA President Kathryn Wetherhill explained: "MAMA is about mostly mums and a few dads, talking about things and getting to know each other.

"You can definitely make new friends. It's like a social support group and it's a good resource for new parents and for people who are new to Bermuda.

"New parents to the Island may not be familiar with health care, baby sitters, play groups and preschools, etc.

"Even if the information is not available for a parent formally, that mum can just speak to the person sitting next to them and they will often be able to answer your questions."

Active member, Sophie Wightman told The Royal Gazette about the charity's car boot sale which is taking place today at St. Mary's Church Hall in Warwick from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Refreshments and parking will be available.

She added: "We also have a monthly newsletter called 'Stroller' and it provides information on all events we have for the month.

"Whether its our marketplace, where you can buy and sell things among other mums, it can be very resourceful."

Member Danielle Rance-Guiteau, mother-of-two children and not originally from the Island, said: "I had just moved here and I didn't know about MAMA until someone brought me to one of their events.

"And when I fist attended an event, I was like 'oh my God' because this was the best thing ever and I was able to get out and see other places, especially here in Bermuda."

Mrs. Rance-Guiteau was at a 'mum' play group on Thursday with her 21-month-old son Jean-Luc.

"I support other moms, I try to find activities to do. We've had great successes with the business community on the Island. We regularly hold fundraising events and we support our dads as well.

"We do utilise various things on the Island in terms of helping both Bermudian and non-Bermudian moms. This is such a great asset."

Membership to MAMA is open to anyone, including fathers. Membership costs $30 per year. To sign up for membership or for more information on MAMA, visit its web site at www.mama.bm or visit one of its 'playgroups.'

Or, telephone 296-3883. MAMA holds playgroups nearly every weekday in various parishes and each month it holds various big events.

Some events are for children, such as treasure hunts, magic shows, craft clinics or fun days, while others are for mothers exclusively, such as 'ladies' nights out'.

Some events are just for dads, such as daddy's day or dad's night out. Other events are designed to give parents a break from the routine; a relaxing evening cruise or a romantic dinner for two.

A mother's group association meeting at Botanical Gardens visitor centre. Front- Dayne Evong. Back- Nicola Ashley with son Ethan AshleyApril 24, 2008
A mothers' group association meeting at Botanical Gardens visitor centre. Left: Danielle Rance — Guiteau with son Jean Guiteau, Kathryn Wetherhill, Nicola Ashley with son Ethan Ashley, Sophie Wightman with daughter Fenella Wightman and Tanya Evong with her son Dayne Evong.April 24, 2008
A mother's group association meeting at Botanical Gardens visitor centre. Left- A mother's group association meeting at Botanical Gardens visitor centre. Front- Dayne Evong. Back- Nicola Ashley with son Ethan AshleyApril 24, 2008April 24, 2008