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Simmons stirs issues in Pembroke West race

Jamahl Simmons, shown with Opposition Leader Grant Gibbons, responded to criticisms that he is not from Pembroke West.

In what could be seen as an indication of the United Bermuda Party's (UBP) strategy for the upcoming Pembroke West by-election, the party's candidate Jamahl Simmons criticised Premier Jennifer Smith immediately after she had introduced her party's candidate - Carvel VanPutten - to the public.

"I would think the leader of this country would be able to come up with a more substantive statement than 'my candidate's from the district and you're not'," he said.

"The people of this country are facing serious issues and they need serious solutions. And the country is too small to allow ourselves to be divided by such minor issues as place of birth."

Mr. Simmons had only positive things to say about his opponent. "I have a tremendous respect for Carvel as an individual - I believe he's a good man and I'm sad he's not on my team."

The Premier had introduced Mr. VanPutten as a "son of the soil" who grew up, and still lives, in Pembroke West.

Asked whether a candidate's intimate local knowledge could not be viewed as an advantage, Mr. Simmons said: "It is - if you're going to be your own man. If the people of the constituency say 'we don't want income tax and Jennifer Smith says you will help us put this through' What will be his answer ? The feeling I'm getting from the voters of Pembroke West is they want somebody to represent them."

Asked what his stance would be if the roles were reversed, he said, representing the constituents would be his "first priority".

"Does that mean I'm prepared to be a renegade and split the party ? No. But I am prepared to work for the system we have in place and assure that their needs and interests get the full attention of our party."

Mr. VanPutten, an entrepreneur and a hotel worker was also able to present himself as someone with intimate knowledge of the major issues. At Thursday's press conference he said he used to sit on the wall but claimed it was always positive.

He has also been a victim of crime and has worked towards alleviating the problem as a member of the Police Advisory Committee and one of the founders of Crime Stoppers. And as chief shop steward at Hamilton Princess, he said, he is sensitive to the needs of employers and employees in the tourism industry.

Mr. Simmons, a former broadcast journalist, currently works in the marketing department of Shell Company and in his promotional material has not listed any community service. The UBP, however, is touting the fact that Mr. Simmons represents "fresh blood and a new perspective". At 31, he will be the youngest Member of Parliament if elected.

His candidacy was announced weeks after he defected to the party after serving as the National Liberal Party's general secretary. Prior to that, he was a member of the Progressive Labour Party, serving as chairman of that party's public relations committee for the 1998 General Election.

If elected he has promised to listen to the constituents and "be accountable".