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Put off from comingDecember 18, 2009Dear Sir,

Put off from coming

December 18, 2009

Dear Sir,

Who wants to go to Bermuda ... Today the answer may be no-one. It isn't safe to walk around over there.

I have a group scheduled to vacation there in June but if the headlines continue to report shooting after shooting we will not be coming!

The authorities need to get control of the gang violence ... and soon.



Peace at Christmas

December 17, 2009

Dear Sir,

During the First World War, the soldiers in the trenches laid down their weapons on Christmas to join together for peace ... Can the gangs here least do that for Christmas this year?

I don't want to wake up on Christmas morning to hear of more death and mayhem. This Island is getting out of hand. People need to stop saying it's not their problem as well because it is! Although most people are not directly affected, we are all indirectly affected. For example, I have heard plenty of tourists towards end of summer that after 20 years of coming here they no longer feel safe to come back. We've had more deaths and shootings since then so I am sure they only feel worse. Tourism is already awful, must we allow it to get worse? Also, do you think exempted companies want to come to a tiny island with a high crime rate? The answer is no. It makes me laugh though to hear people say it's not their problem people are shooting each other because these usually are the same people complaining that its not safe to even go movies any more. Wake up and realise you're a hypocrite to say such.

How can you complain you don't feel safe yet say the shootings are not your problem? Get involved and help people. It is everyone's problem. I leave you with these quotes by two of the greatest peacemakers of modern times:

"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Theresa

"Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal." Martin Luther King, Jr.



Prayer for Bermuda

December 23, 2009

Dear Sir,

In light of our present Island home climate, please allow me to declare Truth.

Something for every to know as from the word of God.

We each must explain everything we have done to a living God. Hebrews 1:13 If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will roll back and crush you. Proverbs 26:27. Each of us will be accountable for our own actions. Ezekiel 18

We must choose Jesus as our lawyer and our Saviour and live. And have no thoughts of revenge for revenge is for the Lord to do as He wills, for His word says, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay those who deserve it." Romans 12:19. Also don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good. Romans 12:21. As in the days of Noah we each must choose to get into the Ark of Safety for we are anxiously awaiting the return of Jesus Christ who is definitely coming soon. Hebrews 9:27 & 28.

Mr. Editor please allow me to pray through the medium of your publication. Father, I pray for those of Bermuda's residents, who are committing these hideous crimes; brandishing guns, turning our communities into mayhem. I denounce the sin that the enemy is causing by taking over the mindset of our people. I demand the enemy of our souls to release the hearts and minds of our Island's people.

Father, we ill honour you with our words and with our deeds, in Jesus' Name, Amen.



Bullet proof vests plea

November 13, 2009

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you today because of the constant violence around me. I'm a young black female born and raised in the back of town area. As of Friday, November 13, I fear for the safety of everyone who has a young male family member into this gang violence. I fear that a lot more innocent people are going to get hurt, because of their relatives. "My prayers are with the Kuchler family" and no one should have to go through that because of their relationship to a gang member.

In today's society I would like to see some other form of protection for my people and my family. I was wondering can we have bullet proof vests because the Police do not come around until something happens, only I can protect myself. At this time I think bullet proof vests are needed and should be worn. I walk in and out of my neighbourhood and I'm walking around in fear because I have a family member associated with bad company and I fear that because they can't get at him they might just shoot me. It is sad that I am living in fear but this is the reality we as Bermudians are living in today. I'm not sure if I'm the only one feeling this way but it is what it is.

Please let me clear one thing up, I never thought we had a gang problem. I am just coming to terms and calling it gang violence. I used to look at it as young males that live in their neighbourhood and hanging out in a certain area of their neighbourhood, and I saw nothing wrong with that. Not to say they were doing anything bad, but since which it has become a problem they have made us stereotype them as gangs. Children can not play outside in a safe environment anymore. It is a very scary thing.

I do not have a solution. All I can say is parents from St. George's to Dockyard need to come together. When the Government calls for help and put together anti-violence rallies, parents of these so-called bad boys need to attend and bring these boys together so we could get to the root of it all. It might be hard for some parents, because they would say "not their child" and others parents are out there doing the same thing. So our young males are only doing what they see and what they are allowed to do and could get away with it.

Back to my reasons for writing. Someone please help and clear this up for me. Can citizens of Bermuda have bullet proof vests for protection? Am I the only one that feels this way or is there any other citizens feeling how I'm feeling?

