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Desperation drove man to burglaries

A man who tried to start how own business but soon ?had my back up against the wall? on Friday admitted he broke into two businesses and stole cash and goods.

Victor Llewelyn Trott, 42, of Spice Hill Close, Warwick was remanded in custody by Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo until a social inquiry report and a Bermuda Assessment Referral Centre (BARC) report were completed.

Trott admitted breaking into Fishers Hardware in Warwick overnight on September 24 and stealing $25 in coins from the cash register and a $1,500 generator.

The theft was discovered by owner Robert Fisher who found the store broken into on the morning of September 25, Magistrates? Court was told.

The defendant was later arrested and immediately denied the offence. He was told that his fingerprints were at the site, prompting him to admit that he had been there three weeks earlier. Trott also admitted breaking into Clipz Barber Shop in Warwick between December 14 and December 15 last year and stealing $5 cash and a pay phone worth $350. When breaking into the shop, he broke the front door causing $1,200 worth of damage.

Trott told Magistrate Tokunbo that he had left his job at Sun Control to work for himself but ?it went totally downhill?.

?I had my back up against the wall,? he said.