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BAS opens retail outlet in Hamilton

for baked goods in the Washington Mall on Church Street.BAS CEO Eugene Bean said yesterday that the previously announced plan to give Crow Lane Bakery products a mid-town presence has already met targeted projections during the first week.

for baked goods in the Washington Mall on Church Street.

BAS CEO Eugene Bean said yesterday that the previously announced plan to give Crow Lane Bakery products a mid-town presence has already met targeted projections during the first week.

The Crow Lane Express took over the premises on Monday previously occupied by the Haagen-Dazs shop, operated by wholesale company, Prestige Imports Ltd., which is part of PW's.

Mr. Bean said, "The opening day sales met my expectation and we've had nothing but positive comments from people. We put a lot of time and effort in the lay-out.

"Our idea was to get a different niche business from what we have at Crow Lane. We can provide for those picking up lunch, or who are unable to get to Crow Lane.

"We feel this is a whole new market and we had to increase production at the bakery. We also have additional plans for the future, but right now things are going well.'' Meanwhile, Prestige Imports general manager Linda Cox said that her firm was operating a dip well in Miles Market, while the second one was in storage.

She said, "The second one was supposed to be installed in another location, but due to certain circumstances, it is not going there at this point. We do intend to have it in a new location, but it might not be this year. It was a business decision to move out of the mall location.'' Prestige Imports' main business is the wholesale of Haagen-Dazs ice cream in Bermuda to restaurants, hotels, grocery stores and convenience stores.

Ms Cox said, "We created the retail outlet on Church Street as a separate arm of what Prestige does. It was a good location, and location is everything, but there were just other things that transpired, which led to it not making sense to continue to operate. We've learned from that.

"I'm trying to do a feasibility study to determine the best location, before we make a move, because we do want to put another Haagen-Dazs shop in.

"And when the new development on the Waterfront is completed, we will have a presence there, too.''