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Fishcakes: Good or bad?

Mm, mm good: Or are they?
Are fishcakes fattening?Holiday feasting is typical in our Bermuda society. It's alright to a large extent if you balance your eating with exercise. Christmastime features a lot of rich foods, like cassava pie and very sweet items like Christmas pudding. Then there is our Easter favourite – fishcakes.We eat them plain, on a hamburger roll or hot cross bun and as long as we don't overdo the condiments – Bermuda fish cakes are a heart healthy choice. Of course that doesn't mean your body can safely take in 10 or 20 in a day. According to the figures Mrs. Hollis (pictured,above) supplied, most adults would be safe having three fishcakes on hot cross buns, in one day. Of course a brisk walk or steady jog will help burn off the calories that otherwise may accumulate as fat.

Are fishcakes fattening?

Holiday feasting is typical in our Bermuda society. It's alright to a large extent if you balance your eating with exercise. Christmastime features a lot of rich foods, like cassava pie and very sweet items like Christmas pudding. Then there is our Easter favourite – fishcakes.

We eat them plain, on a hamburger roll or hot cross bun and as long as we don't overdo the condiments – Bermuda fish cakes are a heart healthy choice. Of course that doesn't mean your body can safely take in 10 or 20 in a day. According to the figures Mrs. Hollis (pictured,above) supplied, most adults would be safe having three fishcakes on hot cross buns, in one day. Of course a brisk walk or steady jog will help burn off the calories that otherwise may accumulate as fat.

Here's the breakdown Mrs. Hollis supplied.

Nutritional values of a Bermuda Fishcake

Plain: 216 calories, 5 grams fat, 14 mg cholesterol, 300-500 mg sodium, 22 grams carbohydrates, 14 grams protein.

With hamburger roll: 236 calories, 6.9 grams fat, 14 mg cholesterol, 506-706mg sodium, 43.3 grams carbohydrates, 18.1 grams protein.

With hot cross bun: 533 calories, 10 grams fat, 74 mg cholesterol, 758-958 mg sodium, 82 grams carbohydrates, 17 grams protein.

With coffee roll: 741 calories, 23.6 grams fat, 14 mg cholesterol, 718-918 mg sodium, 103.8 grams carbohydrates, 22.9 grams protein.

Harry Lindo's Codfish Cakes (used with permission from Lindo's Supermarket in Devonshire)

2 pounds of codfish

4 pounds of potatoes

Thyme, parsley, onions, salt and pepper (fresh, use to taste)

Yields one dozen large fish cakes. Approx. 6 oz

Hot Cross Buns

1 cup milk

? cup butter, melted and cooled

2 tbs yeast

1 tsp. cinnamon

½ cup sugar

½ tsp. nutmeg

2 tsp. salt

4 eggs

5 cups flour

1 egg white

1 ? cups currants or raisins