Husband and wife team claim victory
Boston Marathon-bound Chris and Ashley Estwanik were yesterday crowned the RenaissanceRe 10-mile road race champions after putting in performances that belied their gruelling high mileage training leading up to the event.Men’s champion Chris ran 10 miles from his home to reach the start line, leaving himself just enough time to switch into a different pair of running shoes before blasting around the course in 52 minutes and 21 seconds to secure victory.His wife Ashley also clocked extra miles, running three miles as a warm-up and a further five after winning the women’s title in 1.00.39, where she finished fourth overall.The event attracted 141 finishers in the 10-mile race and a further 77 completing a five-mile route. Both races started at the Botanical Gardens south entrance on South Road and headed east, with turnaround points at Spittal Pond for the shorter race and just beyond the Paynter’s Road junction for the longer race. Both races finished opposite the Botanical Gardens’ south entrance.Winner Estwanik, 32, may have been two minutes adrift of his course record, but the race was all about fine-tuning himself before next month’s Boston Marathon. He was pleased with his morning’s work especially as it capped the four biggest weeks of running, in terms of training mileage and intensity, of his career.“To go into the race tired and still run at the pace I hope to do in Boston was satisfying. I’ll now be tapering,” he said. Boston will be his second marathon, and he is hoping to beat his previous best of 2.24. He has a target in mind of 2.18.“I’m excited to get the chance to just turn my brain off and compete and run in a pack [in Boston],” he added.Estwanik was out on his own during the race, enjoying the cool, overcast conditions. His nearest challenger was veteran Jay Donawa, who has previously won the race four times but has not competed in the event for a number of years because of volunteering commitments for an annual junior football tournament. This year he was able to get his tournament responsibilities slightly reduced allowing him to race on Sunday morning. He finished runner-up in 54.57, and was first in the masters’ division. Third man home was Christopher Harris in 57.50.Donawa said: “I was running by myself the whole way, but at least there were a lot of other people out there. I did 5.30 pace. At this point in time, as a tempo run, that’s good.” He said he had to be realistic about his racing expectations now that he was 40, but noted his finish time was very close to one of his race-winning performances.In the women’s race training partners Ashley Estwanik and Rose-Anna Hoey worked together for most of the race, taking it in turns to lead through the first eight miles, before powering down McGall’s Hill and making the final two miles a competitive try-out.Former Commonwealth Games track finalist Estwanik, 35, made her experience tell as she edged the race, finishing 12 seconds ahead of Hoey. The two ran close to six-minute mile pace all the way, and ripped through mile nine in an impressive 5.45.Estwanik said she and Hoey had been training “day and night” together in preparation for the upcoming Boston Marathon, where they hope to break the three-hour barrier. Estwanik went tantalisingly close in a previous marathon, missing the target by a mere 33 seconds.“We’ve been mentoring and helping each other on our long runs,” said Estwanik. “I really enjoyed the race and we both feel we have done the necessary training for the marathon.”Despite being tested to the limit in mile nine, Hoey, 31, described the race as “fantastic” and said she was thrilled to have run side-by-side with Estwanik throughout. She praised the race organisers Mid Atlantic Athletic Club for putting on a good event.Third in the women’s race, and first women’s master, was Victoria Fiddick in 1.07.33.The five-mile race was won by Jose Miranda in 28.57, with first woman Jennifer Alen second overall in 32.20. Noting her time was slower than her 2012 winning performance, Alen said she had run most of the race by herself and felt tired in the second half. Looking ahead, she may compete in the May 24 Half Marathon if she logs enough training miles during the coming weeks.
RenaissanceRe 5/10 Mile Challenge10 Mile RunSunday1 Christopher Estwanik 52:212 Jay Donawa 54:573 Christopher Harris 57:504 Ashley Estwanik 1:00:395 Rose-Anna Hoey 1:00:516 David Byrne 1:01:507 Ryan Wilson 1:02:228 Craig Rothwell 1:02:249 Jamie Fraser 1:03:0910 Barry Murphy 1:03:2611 Mark Wilcox 1:05:3312 Allan Fox 1:05:4613 Simon Ashby 1:05:5114 Jason Correia 1:07:0015 Peter Gracey 1:07:1516 Victora Fiddick 1:07:3317 Dirk Hasselkuss 1:08:1418 Adam Hopkin 1:08:2719 Deon Breary 1:09:2320 Arnario Shillingford 1:09:2821 Tim Goodyer 1:09:4122 Guy Kelly 1:09:4223 Sam Butler 1:10:1024 Giuseppe Guglielmucci 1:10:3325 Stuart Palmer 1:10:3726 Andy Starr 1:11:0027 Corey Brunton 1:11:3628 Scott Neil 1:11:4729 Christopher Jones 1:12:1330 Karl Wilson 1:12:5631 Michael Osborn 1:13:1932 Steven Smith 1:13:4733 William Green 1:13:5134 Calvin Steede Steede 1:14:1535 Lesley Ndlovu 1:14:3136 John Peterson 1:14:4437 Martina Olcheski-Bell 1:14:5038 David Pringle 1:15:5939 Charles Cooper 1:16:1840 Krista Dyer 1:16:3841 Milan Oleksak 1:17:0642 Mike McCallum 1:17:2243 Robin Holder 1:17:3644 Laura Norman 1:17:5445 Rebecca Cooper 1:18:0646 Gemma Gowrie 1:18:1647 Tony Grainger 1:18:2048 Richard Howells 1:19:0649 Ian Henderson 1:19:2150 Carlo Pinardi 1:19:5051 Helen Gullick 1:19:5552 Jonah Jones 1:20:2953 Lizzie Peckett 1:20:3454 Bruce Sinclair 1:20:3755 Robyn Skinner 1:20:4156 Jennifer Gazzard 1:20:4557 Kevin McGeever 1:20:5558 Karyn Shapiro 1:21:1359 Jordan Coursen 1:21:1760 Mairi Redmond 1:21:4261 Kate Tomkins 1:22:1162 Yuko Ebata 1:23:4263 Shane McIlwain 1:24:1264 Jeane Hofmeyr 1:24:4965 Charl Hofmeyr 1:24:4966 Anne Kermode 1:25:0867 Jimmy Lim 1:25:3368 Katarina Hoskins 1:25:3769 Ian Davies 1:25:5270 Joel Matthews 1:26:0371 Gary Perry 1:27:1872 Danielle Way 1:27:4873 Phil Martin 1:27:4974 Charles Llewellyn-Jones 1:27:5275 Peggy Couper 1:27:5276 Lynn Norman 1:27:5477 John Wight 1:27:5678 Lucy Ching 1:28:2479 Steven Ortiz 1:28:3280 Hilary Commane 1:28:4781 Carol Griffith 1:28:5482 Snjezana Kovacevic 1:29:0783 Andy McComb 1:29:3084 Lecole Richardson 1:30:0185 Cal Ming 1:30:0486 Caitlin Murray 1:30:3187 Harjeet Singh 1:30:4788 Melissa Gordon 1:31:0889 Steven Conway 1:31:1190 Gillian Cross 1:31:3091 Alexandra Manders 1:31:3592 Jennifer Morrison 1:32:1393 Maxine Kane 1:32:1794 Hersey Caco 1:32:1995 Dianna White 1:32:2396 Pamela Williams 1:32:2897 Dodi Mason 1:32:3698 Mike Rickards 1:33:2499 Summer Sipes 1:34:28100 Alan Murray 1:34:52101 Liz Craig 1:35:08102 Aesop Smith 1:35:34103 Jeffrey Tyrrell 1:35:41104 Sophie Wightman 1:35:47105 Natalie Dyrli 1:36:35106 Candace Roach 1:37:18107 Jayne Stevens 1:37:27108 Gemma O'Brien 1:37:27109 Judith Boyce 1:37:44110 Lauren Botelho 1:37:58111 Stuart Roberts 1:38:29112 Gail Miller 1:38:49113 Lisa Froud 1:39:18114 Kim Anderson 1:39:30115 Nicki Horan 1:39:35116 Rachel Ball 1:39:45117 Kirsty Watson 1:40:42118 Anthony Brannon 1:40:51119 Elizabeth Arnold 1:41:05120 Dean Rea 1:41:09121 Steven Barber 1:41:18122 Kim Wheddon 1:41:30123 Mark Wheddon 1:41:31124 Charles Duffy 1:43:59125 Eisen Romero 1:45:10126 Ashley Godek 1:45:41127 Heather Brewer 1:46:16128 Edwina Arorash 1:46:30129 Margaret Burgess-Aowir 1:47:31130 Lisa Ferrari 1:49:56131 Justine Foster 1:51:16132 Sarah Burns 1:51:47133 Jo Stanton 1:53:03134 Donnamae Arorash 1:53:27135 Gary Young 1:56:33136 Ray Medeiros 1:59:35137 Sheena Young 1:59:35138 Sinclair Smith 1:59:36139 Keitha Wallace 2:02:36140 Danielle Morin 2:08:39141 Mariae Dixon 2:14:44
5 Mile Run 1 Jose Miranda, Bermuda 28:572 Jennifer Alen, BMU 32:303 Chefton Hall, Bermuda 32:314 Christian Herzog 32:535 Giles Spurling, Bermuda 33:156 Charlie Withers-Clarke, Bermuda 33:277 Kathleen Thompson 34:458 Benjamin Lau, Bermuda 35:229 Michael Palmer, Bermuda 35:2410 Elliott Rogers, USA 36:0011 Alicia Hancock, BMU 36:3512 Jose Lopez 36:3613 Stepanka Sprincova 37:0014 Ben Howland 37:4015 Kimberly McIvor, Bermuda 37:4316 David Hoey, Bermuda 37:4817 Anna Laura Hocking, BMU 38:0018 Mark Albouy, Bermuda 38:4019 Jeff Sangster 39:2120 Zina Jones, BMU 39:2621 Stelian Dragan, Bermuda 39:2922 Keith Chiappa, Bermuda 39:3323 Kiran Shah, Bermuda 39:5624 Maria Duffy, Bermuda 40:1225 Matthew Viney, Bermuda 40:1226 Michael Whalley, BMU 40:2727 Nadanja Bailey 41:0228 Tracey Sutherland, BMU 41:3029 Terrance Taylor 42:2030 Kimberly Cumberbatch, Bermuda 42:4731 Melissa Chudleigh, Bermuda 43:1332 Mark Chudleigh, Bermuda 43:1433 Steven Coursen, Bermuda 43:1834 Helen Wilson, Bermuda 43:4935 Darnell Wynn, Bermuda 43:5036 Sioned Evans, Bermuda 43:5137 Claudia Philipsz-Jones, Bermuda 44:0538 Megan Regan 44:3739 Benjamin Wright, Bermuda 44:4040 Jason Harry, Bermuda 44:4841 Julie Ross, Bermuda 45:1242 Sean Sexsmith-Brosseau 45:1543 Frances Betts, Bmu 45:5044 Dianna Mitchell, Bermuda 45:5945 Tony Riker, Bermuda 46:0746 Alison Green, Bermuda 46:0847 Laura Pratola, Bermuda 46:2548 Elizabeth Valencia, Bermuda 46:4749 Jason Pethick, Bermuda 47:0450 Jerry Robinson, USA 47:1551 Angela Fleming, Bermuda 47:2552 Kayt Mahon, Bermuda 48:0653 Aisha Mellish, Bermuda 48:3054 Mechelle Willins, Bermuda 48:5655 Bryan Dooley, Bermuda 49:1056 Livio Minino, United States 49:1357 Bill McNiven, Bermuda 50:0258 Famella Haryanto 50:1759 Abigail Perrin, Bermuda 51:3760 Joshua Ball, Bermuda 51:3961 Sarah Palmer, Bermuda 51:4062 Kirstie Jones, Bermuda 52:2363 Mari Edang, Bermuda 52:4664 Ampah Hubbard, Bermuda 52:4665 Robyn Bardgett, Bermuda 53:2866 Kelly Massa, Bermuda 53:3567 Rachel Smith, Bermuda 53:3868 Andrew Barnard, Bermuda 54:4869 Ann Marie Davis, Bermuda 54:4870 Priscilla Brown, Bermuda 55:0571 Caroline Carrington, Bmu 55:5272 Jonathan Carrington 55:5373 Tiffany Swainson, Bermuda 59:0474 Alana Rogers 59:5075 Johnathan Rogers 59:5076 Elizna Erasmus, Bermuda 1:03:1277 Elesa Brown, Bermuda 1:07:47