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Social inquiry report ordered for man who beat up mother of his children

A man beat up the mother of his two children in a domestic dispute, a court was told.Janai Minors had to have five stitches to a gash in her forehead following the assault by ex-boyfriend, Jiquon Belboda.Belboda, 30, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at Magistrates' Court this week.

A man beat up the mother of his two children in a domestic dispute, a court was told.

Janai Minors had to have five stitches to a gash in her forehead following the assault by ex-boyfriend, Jiquon Belboda.

Belboda, 30, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at Magistrates' Court this week.

Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney said the incident took place at Ms Minors' home in Hamilton Parish on Sunday.

"The complainant had been in a dispute with the defendant on the phone the previous evening," said Mr. Mahoney.

"The argument continued between them on August 16 and got physical. The defendant punched the complainant in the face about four times.

"He then got into his mother's jeep and drove to the roadway and attempted to leave, but the complainant stood in the road blocking his path."

Mr. Mahoney said Belboda then edged the vehicle towards Ms Minors.

"She was standing in the roadway and he was revving the engine. He continued in a forward motion towards the complainant."

Ms Minors then threw a paperweight at the front windscreen, smashing it, said Mr. Mahoney. She then ran from Belboda, with him in pursuit.

"She jumped over a wall to escape the defendant. He also went over the wall and started kicking and punching the complainant about her head and body," said Mr. Mahoney.

"She was bleeding from a wound to her head and was taken to hospital, where she received five stitches to a gash in her forehead."

Belboda, of Warwick, was arrested by Police following Ms Minors' hospital treatment.

"He admitted hitting the defendant about her head and body," said Mr. Mahoney.

Belboda told the court: "There's been numerous occasions when she has beaten me up and I've had enough of it. She messed up my car four times, my mother's car.

"I was trying to leave the situation but she was standing in the road. I got out of the car to tell her to get out of the way."

The court heard Belboda had a previous conviction for damage to Ms Minors' car and possession of an offensive weapon.

Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner ordered a Social Inquiry Report and remanded Belboda in custody until October 2.