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Official poverty line to be established

Government is to establish an official poverty line to determine who is not sharing in Bermuda's economic success.

However Premier Ewart Brown stressed his Government was not seeking to encourage a dependency culture but to help people help themselves.

He said: "This Government does not intend to create what is known in many other places as the welfare state. If anything it will be workfare."

He said self-help was the best assistance.

"This Government will stimulate people to help themselves. But people who need help will get it. And establishing that poverty line will assist us."

Statistics show the annual median income is $58,315 but the figure is distorted with so many high earners in Bermuda's economy.

Census 2000 stats said just under one third of the population was poor or near poor but Coalition for the Protection of Children chairwoman Sheelagh Cooper believes the real figure now could be higher.

She welcomed the established of a poverty line which she said would establish the real cost of living and having the basic necessities.

And she hoped it would be the first step to introducing a minimum wage.

Government also pledged to bring a Resolution to Parliament to declare the Economic Empowerment Zone in North Hamilton as an 'approved scheme' under the Industrial Development Act 1968 which would grant businesses tax advantages and other concessions.

A debate about race to 'develop a healthy way to confront the pernicious deeds of the past and present' was promised.

The speech added: "The Government will create programmes to empower the disadvantaged to give them a chance for a fair fight for their futures ? a fair fight for jobs, businesses, land and opportunity."