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Premier Gordon may switch constituencies

Voters in Premier Pamela Gordon's constituency have been asked if they would mind if she ran in another seat.

And the news adds fuel to rumours that the Premier -- who shares Southampton West with Tourism Minister David Dodwell -- was considering abandoning her safe seat to stand in a more marginal constituency.

The question was asked in a recent telephone poll of voters in the Southampton West area, regarded as a UBP stronghold.

And respondents were also asked how they rated United Bermuda Party approved candidate Madeleine Joell, an insurance executive and golf champ, as a possible MP.

One person polled, who asked not to be named, said: "I think the Premier should run where she was most needed.

"I personally wouldn't feel let down at all.'' The respondent added: "It's a fairly safe constituency and the Premier would certainly get in and I think Madeleine Joell would be the same.'' Ms Joell -- now thought to be favourite to take over from set-to-retire Environment Minister Harry Soares in Paget West -- was quoted in the race to run alongside Sen. Angelita Fox in Hamilton East but was beaten out by architectural designer Stephen West.

The survey is believed to have been carried out by United Bermuda Party pollsters, the US-based firm of Penn & Shoen.

The Royal Gazette reported in May that there was speculation the Premier would take a gamble and stand in a crucial marginal to cash in on her high personal popularity.

Ms Gordon said then that she could not rule out a move.

She added: "It would be outrageous for anyone in politics to say `never' -- but as it stands, it's not an issue at the moment.'' The United Bermuda Party has already announced a full slate of candidates for the upcoming General Election, likely to be held around the turn of next month.

But few candidates already selected would argue if asked to stand down in favour of the sitting Premier -- especially if they might have the option of swapping a tough fight for an easier one in Southampton West.

Among the most crucial seats in the upcoming battle to form the next Government are Warwick West and East, St. George's South and Hamilton East and West.

Warwick West is currently split between Government MP Quinton Edness and the PLP's Ewart Brown. Mr. Edness will run with Sen. Yvette Swan, while Dr. Brown will be partnered by Elvin James.

In Warwick East, split between the PLP's Alex Scott and outgoing UBP MP Irving Pearman, Sen. E.T. (Bob) Richards and Sen. Larry Scott will line up for Government against Mr. Scott and teacher Dale Butler.

St. George's South -- where half of the sitting UBP team, Grace Bell, defected to the PLP at the end of the last Parliamentary session -- Government's Rick Spurling will defend his majority with new running mate Derrick Carlington against the Oppositions Rev. Larry Lowe and Arthur Pitcher.

Hamilton West -- held by Health and Family Services Minister Wayne Furbert and Home Affairs and Public Safety Minister Maxwell Burgess -- would be a less likely target for the Premier because of the existing high profile of the candidates.