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Smith headlines BBSR lecture

tonight give a lecture on Bermuda's fragile ecology.Entitled "Bermuda's Underwater Environment in Today's Changing World'', the lecture is part of a popular series of public lectures held regularly by BBSR.

tonight give a lecture on Bermuda's fragile ecology.

Entitled "Bermuda's Underwater Environment in Today's Changing World'', the lecture is part of a popular series of public lectures held regularly by BBSR.

It will take place in Hanson Hall, beginning at 7 p.m.

Dr. Smith will discuss the effects of the Island's increasing population on the marine environment, including coral reefs and seagrass beds.

Dr. Smith, who heads BBSR's Benthic Ecology Research Programme, said participating in a Caribbean-wide monitoring programme and studying reefs in the Florida Keys has helped BBSR scientists "better manage the important underwater resources here in Bermuda''.

The money raised from the lecture will support the Chris Collier Memorial Fund. Chris Collier, a former Bermuda Programme Student, tragically lost his life in 1988.

The fund rewards scholarship money to Bermudian students participating in BBSR's Bermuda Programme, a hands-on internship with one of BBSR's scientist.