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Construction - Drywaller

Photo by Tricia Walters
<h2>Jahzeel Quallo, </h2>Drywaller/plastererGreymane Contracting Ltd.

[naviga:h2]Jahzeel Quallo, [/naviga:h2]


Greymane Contracting Ltd.

"I like to see the results of my work."

Jahzeel Quallo, 21, is just starting out in his construction career and is learning his craft as a drywaller one day at a time.

"The work is rewarding because I learn something new every day and can immediately apply what I learn to the work I do tomorrow. Being able to look back on my work is the most enjoyable part of my job."

His job entails the layout, framing and dry-walling of wall structures, windows and doors as well as ceilings and other interior designs.

Mr. Quallo says that, at a bare minimum, the qualifications necessary for his job are a high school diploma and experience in the construction field.

"I chose this particular career because I had an interest in building and creating things and like to see the results of my work.

"People would be surprised to see just how much work goes into a finished building. It's a process most people don't really think about, they just see the finished building. In reality, though, the work is very complex.

He says drywalling requires both conceptual and hands-on skills to understand and complete projects. He also admits that how he works is as important as what he does: "That's because keeping my work area clean, being organised and aware of my surroundings effects more than just me, it effects others as well."

Like so many other people profiled for Careers Fair 2009 Mr. Quallo says that Maths, in particular, has proven a useful subject to learn, although he is quick to point out that his entire education was important to him.

"All my high-school subjects have proven helpful to me in starting my career."