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Bermuda fish capture fancy of US magazine

Bermuda won some exposure with a five-page feature in the September edition of the niche-market magazine, Tropical Fish Hobbyist.

The article, entitled A Bermuda Fish Odyssey, was written by David Lass who came on vacation with his wife to Bermuda, courtesy of the Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society.

Mr. Lass, who spoke at the society's monthly meeting at Shorelands, detailed his visit to the Island -- paying particular attention to the hobby of keeping tropical fish and the 29 enthusiasts who make up the Bermuda Fry-Angle group.

He also wrote about the Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo and noted it had renovated and expanded its facilities in Flatt's Village since his last visit and installed the 140,000 gallon North Rock Reef Tank.

Bermuda will get additional exposure amongst tropical fish hobbyists on September 2 when Bermuda Fry-Angle Aquarium Society president Craig Morfitt takes on the role of guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Greater City Aquarium Society in New York.

And the society will hold its Annual Tropical Fish Show on October 3 in conjunction with SPCA Fair at the Botanical Gardens. Entry forms can be obtained from pet stores or by calling Mr. Morfitt at 236-0787 or 299-4275.