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Man assaulted police officer during restaurant fracas

A man who has repeatedly got involved in altercations at Ice Queen is facing punishment for his role in the latest fracas.Yusef Williams, 21, admitted assaulting a police officer and taking part in a fight in the early hours of June 9 when he appeared in court on Thursday.Prosecutor Larissa Burgess explained that police were called to the Paget takeout restaurant at 3.40am, and had to use a Taser gun to break up a group of fighting men.She said most of the men dispersed but Williams, from Pembroke, continued to fight with another man.While officers attempted to ascertain the cause of the altercation, Williams launched at one of them with a helmet, almost striking him.He was arrested.Williams has a previous conviction dating from November 2010 for using threatening behaviour towards a staff member at Ice Queen. He was fined $300 on that occasion.He told Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner he was “jumped” by other men when he arrived at the restaurant.“I apologise for wasting your time and I apologise to the police officer but I was a little shaken up, I was being jumped, I was in and out of consciousness and I wasn’t in the right state of mind,” he said.Defence lawyer Marc Daniels said Williams is working part time as a kitchen porter on a voluntary basis, but is unemployed otherwise. He said the criminal charge interfered with his plans to participate in a Department of Labour and Training summer programme.He reported that Williams wishes to further his education and train as a mechanic.Mr Warner ordered a pre-sentence report and adjourned the case until August 16. He granted Williams $2,000 bail and ordered him to obey a curfew between 10pm and 6am.