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Burglary and arson at school

Burglary and arson: A fire investigator sifts through the ashes of a burnt out office in the Kiddie Academy on Laffan Street where, in the early hours of yesterday morning or Wednesday evening someone broke in, helped themselves to food, drink, and a laptop, lit the fire, and made good their escape.

Arsonists targeted a Hamilton nursery school leaving parents scrambling to find caretakers for their children yesterday.

Burglars are said to have entered Kiddie Academy on Laffan Street, where they stole food, drink and a laptop before setting fire to the recently-renovated building.

Staff are expected to work through the weekend to repair the damage, in hopes of opening the school on Monday.

Kiddie Academy owner Sharon DeSilva said she was "almost in tears" yesterday as she struggled to come to grips with the crime.

She told The Royal Gazette: "It's been a long morning. It's really discouraging, I just feel like it's the fifth time we've been broken into and we don't leave money on the premises [in order] to avoid this."

Ms DeSilva continued: "When I realised this wasn't a dream, around 11 o'clock, I could have burst into tears. I feel like I have taken a few steps forward and a few steps back because we won the Best of Bermuda Gold Award, we painted the building and so much effort went into the school. And now everything is burned. I just feel like we are starting from scratch again.

"I don't have any enemies, I help everyone. Only someone with no conscience, a callous person, would do this. It's just so silly and unnecessary to burn everything in the office."

The nursery was forced to turn away nearly 90 children yesterday after Police and Fire Services examined the extent of damage and determined the building unfit for use.

Ms DeSilva said: "I feel so badly. People were dressed for work. They came and expected to drop their children off like a normal day. It was shocking for people, they have obligations."

Most parents were understanding, but one was extremely upset she would have to find other alternatives for her child, she added.

Staff believes the burglars broke in through a sliding door upstairs and the toddler entrance, a small opening on a door downstairs.

A laptop, $100 cash, chocolate milk belonging to the students and a bottle of leftover wine from an office party were stolen.

Damage was done to the entire building. Ms DeSilva believes the entire school didn't disappear in flames because burglars closed an office door after they lit the fire.

Police were informed of the burglary and arson around 7.30 a.m. yesterday.

Said a spokesperson: "It appears that sometime overnight an unknown culprit or culprits gained entry into the premises. A teacher entered the building Thursday morning to discover the main office ablaze as well as several items out of place. She then alerted the Police and the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service. Initial indications are that the culprit(s) made good their escape with a black Dell laptop computer."

Inquiries into the incident are underway. Police are appealing for anyone with any information to contact the Hamilton Criminal Investigation Unit on 295-0011.