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Upcoming events of interest to local and international business:

Dynamic Tension: Business Need Versus Business Exposure: The Systems Auditor as Referee. December 11. Cumberland House Building, AS&K, Hamilton.Anthony Hownam-Meek 295-1111 x 3664 or John Mayor 298-4660.

Princess, Bermuda. 292-0632.

Dynamic Tension: Business Need Versus Business Exposure: The Systems Auditor as Referee. December 11. Cumberland House Building, AS&K, Hamilton.

Anthony Hownam-Meek 295-1111 x 3664 or John Mayor 298-4660.

Life Insurance Compliance Forum. December 11-12. Washington DC. 941-951-7885.

HedgeWorld.com will offer three identical two hour briefing sessions on the convergence of eCommerce, insurance and hedge funds in Bermuda. The Bermuda Insurance Institute conference room, Wednesday December 13, 2000 at 8 a.m., noon and 4 p.m. Tel. 296-0650.

CCS Group Ltd will hold a Virtual Private Network seminar on Thursday, December 14 at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute from 1-4 p.m. tel 294-3408.

Florida Long-Term Care Symposium. January 9. Fort Lauderdale 888-599-5997.

Les Rencontres Amrae 2001. January 24-26. Centre de Congres Pierre Baudis, Tolouse, France. 33-(0)-1-44-641515.

Joint Ventures and Alliances in the New E-Economny. February 2001. Radisson SAS, Portman Hotel, England. 44-(0)-20-7881-1858.

Financial Convergence Conference. January 29-30. New York. 312-894-6392.

Second Annual Windstorm Insurance Conference. February 14-16. Orlando, Florida. 850-469-9052.

Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) 39th Annual Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. April 29-May 3, 2001. www.rims.org.

International Captives Congress 2001. June 12-15. Fairmont Southampton Princess, Bermuda. Fax 410-323-9212 or e-mail bkotelly yibcusa.com.

*** Business Calendar is published every Monday in the Business section. If you have an event or conference you want to list, contact Mairi Mallon at 295-5881 ext. 247.