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Tourist victim of handbag snatch

In the latest incident a 55-year-old visitor was walking with her husband along Pitts Bay Road at approximately 8.45 p.m. on Tuesday.


In the latest incident a 55-year-old visitor was walking with her husband along Pitts Bay Road at approximately 8.45 p.m. on Tuesday.

They were approached from behind by two males riding a cycle along the sidewalk and as they passed by, the passenger grabbed the woman's handbag from her shoulder causing her to fall to the ground.

The two men then escaped west along Pitts Bay Road.

The woman was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for treatment to a minor cut to her chin and abrasions and was later discharged.

Her bag contained several personal items, including bankcards, passports and cash.

Police units attended the scene and are now investigating the incident.

Central CID is appealing for any further witnesses to this incident to contact acting Detective Sergeant Stephanie Thompson at 295-0011.

Many organisations have called for action to stop the thefts including Crimestoppers, who last month launched a campaign entitled "Watch Out For That Rat'' in a bid to make the public more aware about the bag thefts.

That appeal came after a 64-year-old visitor had her bag stolen in St.


The Women's Resource Centre called for women to be allowed to carry pepper or mace spray.

Closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) is not operating in the Pitts Bay Road area as the equipment has not been fully installed and will not be operational until Quantum -- the company who operate the cable -- is sold.

Works and Engineering also installed lights in February at cost of $75,000, but this has done little to deter the thieving thugs.

Crime figures for 2000 showed a 34.2 percent drop in the number of stealing incidents, which includes handbag theft.

See statistics below