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Changing face of Hamilton retail

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Yvonne Cacace, owner of the new Stefanel in the shop (Photo by Mark Tatem)

The year of 2013 will be remembered in the annals of retail history as a tough period, but it hasn’t stopped shop owners from making new investments and thinking out of the box.

This Christmas shopping season sees the reopening of Stefanel, the Italian clothier, in the Walker Arcade on Reid Street. Owner Yvonne Cacace, who was preparing for an evening reception to celebrate its reopening when The Royal Gazette dropped by yesterday, said that back in August 1987 the earlier version of Stefanel was the first shop she opened in what became a group of retail interests.

The newly renovated shop has the clean, stylish lines that are synonymous with Italian design. “We are selling 100 percent Stephanel — we’ve gone back to basics,” she said.

“We had stopped carrying the line altogether for a little while because the style had changed, but it really has gone back to the original company that it was before. The price point and quality — you can’t beat it,” she said. “It’s classy — with just enough edge.”

Sales are already good. “Customers are just happy to see the brand is back. It had a loyal following.”

Now, people are asking if she is bringing the Italian children’s apparel brand Iana back, which she once sold from another Walker Arcade store, and she said she hopes to have it available for sale in the Spring of 2014.

Another retailer that has made a capital investment during the year is Sportseller. Owner Sharon Fenn said: “We’ve just renovated our shop. It is brighter and modern.”

Among the changes are a new point of sale, or POS system. The technology of the NCR Silver POS allows the shop to e-mail customers their receipt if that customer elects to receive it that way. It also lets Sportseller add those customers to their data base and send them regular updates on new items via e-mail, should the customer also elect to get those alerts.

“It was a big change for us — but it’s working brilliantly,” she said.

Big US retailers such as Apple, Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s all use this system, she pointed out.

Ms Fenn said they had purchased the POS system from Business Automation Resources, a Bermuda company that also assisted them with getting up to speed with the new technology.

The POS system is getting a workout from purchases of the newest GPS and fitness monitors that will analyse all facets of your run or walk, on a neat wrist device. Garmin and Asics are the manufacturers of these new fitness tools, she said.

Kit N Caboodle have also made a change, moving premises from The Bermudiana Arcade to join the Reid Street retailing contingent.

Partners at Kit N Caboodle are Trelita Andrea Franklin, Simon Franklin as well as Andrea Franklin. Assistant manager Alicia Paul is a member of the team as well. They have moved into Williams House, on the first floor above iClick and tucked away behind consignment and clothing retailer Colossium. Andrea Franklin said: “People are finding us.” She added: “It is much bigger — and I like the new place!”

The store, which sells educational toys and craft supplies is also where you go for your passport photograph, as well as printing, laminating and scanning. They create items for parties, and produce other promotional items.

Along with a new premises, they have some new offerings. “We will start making T-shirts, as well as providing faxing and internet services,” she said.

And artist and retailer Carole Holding has popped up in a pop-up shop for Christmas again this year. On the upper level of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, she is selling gourmet gift baskets, Bermuda recipe chopping boards, signature china, linens and flower fragrant soaps, as well as specially designed jewellery and other seasonal gift items.

She said that last year, her pop-up shop was such a success she decided to repeat it this holiday season.

Every Friday from 6pm to 7.30pm and on Sunday from 2pm to 3.30pm, Washington Properties has arranged for Santa to be there for children to visit, along with a photographer from the Mall Studio to take pictures.

The pop-up shop is open from 10am to 5pm Mondays to Saturdays, Fridays to 9pm and on Sunday from 1pm to 5pm.

Kit N Caboodle's owners, from right, Andrea Franklin, Simon Franklin and Trelita Andrea Franklin in their new Williams House shop. (Photo by Mark Tatem)
High-tech: The NCR Silver POS at the newly renovated Sportseller, being put to work by owner Sharon Fenn scanning a Garmin GPS for runners. (Photo by Mark Tatem)
Carole Holding in her Christmas season pop up shop, with Maria Araujo with one of the Christmas baskets she that assembles (Photo by Mark Tatem)