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Actress Kate Winslet splits from husband

Actress Kate Winslet and husband director Sam Mendes have announced their split by 'mutual agreement'.

LONDON (AP) — Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet has split from her film director husband Sam Mendes, a British law firm said yesterday.

The 34-year-old star separated from Mendes at an unspecified point earlier this year, Shillings law firm said. It wasn't clear whether divorce proceedings have begun. The pair have been married since 2003 and have two children.

In a statement e-mailed to journalists, the law firm said the split was "entirely amicable and is by mutual agreement."

"Both parties are fully committed to the future joint parenting of their children," the statement said.

A call and an e-mail seeking further comment were not immediately returned.

Winslet won the Academy Award for best actress for her dramatic role in "The Reader" in 2009. It was the first Oscar win for Winslet, who had been nominated five other times for her roles in "Titanic," "Sense and Sensibility," "Iris," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Little Children."

Mendes, an acclaimed stage and film director, won the coveted best director Oscar for "American Beauty."