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Bermuda's KFC joins UN initiative to feed world's poor

A Hamilton restaurant is hoping to help feed more than its regular Bermuda clientele.KFC, as part of its parent company YUM! Brands, will be raising money for the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), which provides food for 90 million poor people in more than 70 countries.Running until the end of October, KFC will be collecting donations for the charity.

A Hamilton restaurant is hoping to help feed more than its regular Bermuda clientele.

KFC, as part of its parent company YUM! Brands, will be raising money for the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), which provides food for 90 million poor people in more than 70 countries.

Running until the end of October, KFC will be collecting donations for the charity.

General manager Frank Suess called for the public to donate saying: "Every person in Bermuda will have the opportunity to make a difference in the fight against hunger. Even a gift of $1 will provide four meals to hungry people all over the world.

"Donations of all sizes are encouraged, even the smallest amounts will effect change, and there is no purchase necessary."

• For more information, or to donate online, visit www.fromhungertohope.com