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Opposition leader Kim Swan launches 'OneBDA' website with blog section

United Bermuda Party leader Kim Swan is opening up discussion on topics such as gambling, Independence and race through his new website.

The embattled leader has launched the initiative as he prepares to square up with Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards in a leadership contest.

"OneBDA — one Bermuda for all, all for one Bermuda" contains a blog section giving people the chance to air their views on a variety of subjects affecting the Island.

It also tells the story of the UBP by saluting leaders from the past such as Sir John Swan and Dame Pamela Gordon.

There is an "ideas" section, in which Mr. Swan states: "We need to bring love into our hearts. Love for our fellow countrymen. It has been missing for quite some time and there is plenty of blame to go around for that.

"So we need to make the effort to encourage our brothers and sisters — black and white — to open their hearts and minds to healing."

And in the "concerns" section, Mr. Swan writes: "Holding a government — any government — to account for its decisions and actions is one of the most important responsibilities of our parliamentary system and the principle duty for the opposition, any opposition."

It also has a link to Mr. Swan's Wikipedia page, in which the former golf pro's real name is revealed as Hubert.

Mr. Swan said in a statement announcing the website that he was encouraged by the inclusion of One Bermuda by Premier Dr. Brown in his address to Bermuda earlier this month.

He stated: "I am proud to promote the message of 'One Bermuda' as it is an ideal I feel will benefit us for generations.

"Our people have so much in common that we do not take the time to acknowledge and appreciate. Although these are troubling times on many fronts, I see the economic adversity that we face, the violent crime that threatens our quality of life, as a warning signs for us to take heed and see the need to come together for the common good of our beloved Bermuda. A country that we all love and want to see prosper."

To visit the site, go to onebda.com.