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Bank of Bermuda gets to art of matter

THE Bank of Bermuda has announced that in partnership with the Bermuda Society of Arts, local artists will now have the opportunity to display images of their artwork along Front and Reid Street.

Members of the Bermuda Society of Arts have been invited to submit photographs of their artwork, to be selected by a panel of judges for public display.

As many as 75 submissions will then be displayed on fencing that will be erected around the Harbourview facility worksite (the former Trimingham Brothers store), as Bank of Bermuda progresses with redevelopment plans.

Bank of Bermuda chief executive officer, Philip Butterfield (pictured), explained that the decision to display the work of local artists on the fencing came as a result of the highly successful, window artwork display earlier in the year.

"As we were awaiting planning approval, we took the opportunity to promote the work of local artists and charities in the windows of 39 Front Street.

"As a result over 50 pieces of local art were sold and various community events were promoted.

"We were again in a position to promote local art while at the same time making the worksite more aesthetically pleasing."

Bermuda Society of Arts director, Victoria Evans explained this was great exposure for local artists who were members of the BSoA and hoped it would encourage even more art enthusiasts and patrons to join the BSoA.

" I am very excited at the opportunity presented to members by this initiative and would encourage all of our members to take full advantage of this.

"Members can submit high-resolution digital photographs of as many pieces of artwork as they please, on CD, to the BSoA Gallery, City Hall, Hamilton.

"While anyone interested in the artwork on display will be able to obtain further details by contacting the BSoA directly. "

The entry deadline is 20 December. To sign up, email the BSoA at bsoaibl.bm, including your name, the number of pieces you are entering and your contact information. Artwork submitted can be in any medium and fall under theme.

A panel from the Bank of Bermuda, the AAC advertising agency and the BSoA Board of Directors will select the winning entries for public display.

The fencing will be erected at the end of year and it is expected that the artwork will be on display through February as internal stripping of the building begins on the site.