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Children must take time to have a healthy breakfast

What did your child have for breakfast this morning? Soda and chips? A doughnut? Something? Anything? or nothing? Unfortunately, one third of Bermuda's Secondary Students state they do not regularly eat breakfast (1992 Secondary School Health Survey). During the week of the survey, less than half, (44.5 percent) ate breakfast all seven days.

The most common reasons students do not eat breakfast are: Not enough time, 43 percent.

No reason, 29 percent.

Not hungry, 24 percent.

Another reason that students don't eat breakfast is that their parents have already left for work or are too busy to prepare it.

Would you like your child to Feel better in the morning? Concentrate better at school? Get better test scores? Have enough energy to get through the morning? If so have your child ... TAKE TIME FOR BREAKFAST.

*** A payoff in learning: Studies show that skipping breakfast can affect how well your child performs at school as well as his health. In one study lasting for four years, it was found that boys who skipped breakfast were careless and less attentive in class during the morning. When the same boys ate breakfast, there was a noticeable improvement in their school work.

Not only is performance affected, but other factors attributed to lack of breakfast include: stomach aches, irritability, headaches, fatigue and increased susceptibility to infection.

*** Why eat breakfast?: After 10 to 14 hours without food the body's fuel is used up. This causes a reduction in the blood sugar level. When breakfast is not eaten, the brain which requires more energy than any other part in the body, cannot work to its full ability. This will affect a child's emotional behaviour, his ability to do math and read, as well as his physical work output.

*** Healthy breakfast -- healthy kids: Nutritionally, when breakfast is skipped, a student misses out on a quarter to a third of his nutrient needs for the day. Breakfast foods are the ones the body needs to supply calcium, riboflavin (milk), iron (cereal, eggs) and vitamin C (fruit juice). When breakfast is not eaten, the body is likely to miss out on these nutrients for the rest of the day. So like it or not, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for you and your child.

Breakfast can be quick and easy.

Here are a few breakfast ideas to encourage your family to eat breakfast: 1: Have a trial run. For 2-3 weeks get your child to eat breakfast and see if he feels better in the morning and achieves more at school and work.

2: Make sure there is time to relax and not hurry eating. Hurrying food can make you feel ill.

3: Do not eat or snack after supper as it can cause you to feel full the next morning.

4: Start off with one single food such as, a glass of milk or piece of fruit.

Over the next two to three weeks add other foods gradually.

5: Use easy to fix foods such as, read-to-eat cereal with milk and juice.

6: You don't have to eat breakfast-type foods. Sandwiches, leftovers, or even pizza appeal to some at breakfast time! 7: Offer a food from at least three of the five food groups -- milk, meat or alternate, bread and cereal, fruit and vegetable -- for a well balanced breakfast.

8: If you are running late, take something to eat on the run, such as a piece of fruit, a sandwich or a muffin with cheese.

9: Set the table the night before, so the bowl and cereal are ready to use.

10: Have your child go to bed at an earlier time.

11: Parents need breakfast too! So join the breakfast generation and TAKE TIME FOR BREAKFAST! Betsy Baillie, RD Nutrition Services Department of Health 236-0224 Ext 385 or 259 HEALTH AND SOCIAL ISSUES HTH