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BHC opens new hotline

Bermuda Housing Corporation (BHC) yesterday opened a 24 hour customer hotline because tenants have been calling Housing Minister Senator David Burch directly with their problems.

The phone line will open around the clock but will be monitored throughout the working day.

Sen Burch said BHC customers would be a promised a response within 24 hours and that their problems will be addressed "expeditiously".

"This is a necessary step because of late, people have been calling me directly (about) accommodations, arrears, maintenance issues and even to enquire about payments of rent," said Sen Burch yesterday.

"So, this hotline has been established to be the central point for all enquiries relating to housing.

"We also want this customer care line to be an alternative means of communication for clients with maintenance problems.

"Sometimes such calls get lost in the pipeline, so this line may also be used to deal with such issues."BHC staff will be required to fill out a form on each call, and Sen Burch will be given a daily progress report.

"This is just a small step, but we feel it is a positive one being put forward by this Ministry and the BHC," the minister added.

"The number for the new hotline is 295-HOME (295-4663).