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New company ‘offers value without full-time employees needing to be hired’

P3B Consulting Patrick Spaulding and John Bull are the principals. (Photo by Glenn Tucker)

A new company — P3B Consulting — has launched, to provide business services on two fronts — human resources and IT systems and procedures.

P3B is a product of our times. As established businesses tighten their belts, justifying the expense of additional staff members is difficult.

That is where Patrick Spaulding and John Bull come in.

Mr Spaulding has a Masters of Business Administration degree and more than 20 years experience in human resource management, while Mr Bull has a Masters in International Management and experience in the manufacturing and banking sectors.

While Mr Bull’s area of expertise is process improvement, Mr Spaulding’s focus is on human resources. He said: “We are seeing, in this market, downsizing from retirements and economic necessity. Small- and medium-sized companies are really having to focus on their bottom line.

“Companies will take work out of their own shop for a more attractive price point.”

When a company reduces its workforce, there are still tasks which must be done, and P3B Consulting provides services which can fill those gaps, he said. “We offer value without full-time employees needing to be hired.

“We can assist them from a strategic level and a more tactical level, with day-to-day operational issues,” he said.

In addition, on the human resources front, Patrick Spaulding said that the among the things they can offer is working with a long-term, key employee who is retiring, for example, ensuring that all the important information that resides with that employee is properly handed over.

John Bull, who is a process improvement specialist, said he offers companies help with their IT systems and procedures, such as automated payment processes, with the aim of saving customers time and money. He added that for businesses with multiple departments, he can help provide interdepartmental efficiencies. In doing so, P3B hope their clients will improve outputs, costs, see improved sales and resolve a number of the other challenges that a business may face.

P3B say their philosophy is to develop a continuous relationship with their clients, placing the right skill sets where they are required, and when needed.

“The idea is to enter into long-term and short-term consultancy projects,” said Mr Spaulding, while Mr Bull said: “We feel we can bring a lot of value to a company without a lot of the hassle factors.”

To contact P3B, call John Bull on 333-6277, and Patrick Spaulding on 707-1612.