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<Bz21>Drugs found on motorcyclists during traffic enforcement sting

A traffic enforcement sting set up by Police netted a lot more than just speeders, it was revealed in Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

Two motorcycle riders were busted for cannabis possession and both pleaded guilty to their respective offences.

Juanita Wolffe, 23, was spotted by Police officers acting suspiciously during a traffic enforcement effort on September 16 of last year near the Lindo’s Market on Middle Road in Warwick.

When Police approached her for questioning, Ms Wolffe handed over a plastic parcel which was later determined to contain 6.36 grams of cannabis. According to a summary read in court, the suspect told Police: “I found it on the road on King Street.”

Ms Wolffe repeated the same account during her appearance in Plea Court, to which Magistrate Khamisi Tokumbo responded: “You expect me to believe that?”

She replied: “I’m sorry for having a controlled substance on me. I should not have picked it up.”

Ms Wolffe, who is from Hamilton Parish, was also carrying $3,770.70 in cash during the traffic stop which further raised the suspicion of Mr. Tokumbo.

He immediately ordered two investigative reports including a Social Inquiry Report. He said: “These reports will tell me some more things about you.” Ms Wolffe has no previous convictions.

She is due back in court on April 5 to learn the outcome of the court ordered social investigations.

During the same traffic enforcement detail 20-year-old Jason McGuiness of Warwick was stopped just a short distance from his home on Cobb’s Hill.

A drug sniffing dog alerted to 0.66 grams of cannabis in his pocket.

Mr. McGuinness admitted the drugs were his and was given a conditional discharge because he had no previous criminal record.