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Give Us Our Numbers

It was the year 2050, or was it? The nefarious emperor, Adolf Mussonlii Stalin had outlawed numbers and the world was in chaos.

The new law came into effect as I was listening to Beethoven's Fifth Symphony (at least I think it was the fifth) while flying from Barcelona to New York City.

I had been Internet shopping on the airline's web site, when all of a sudden the prices disappeared. Suddenly I heard the captain's voice overhead, "Folks, I think we are 55 miles from JFK airport, but I don't really know for sure.'' "...Houston, we have a problem!'' I thought.

As I peered out of my window I saw airplanes all around. I presumed that no one would know what order to land in at JFK. The stewardess also told me that the numbers on the runways had been painted over. I closed my eyes and prayed really hard that nothing bad would happen. Miraculously, we landed safely and taxied to an unnumbered gate.

We nearly missed another plane heading for the same gate. In the airport, I checked the arrival board to see when my next flight was, and to my surprise it was blank.

No flight numbers, no arrival times! I rushed over to the phone booth to phone home, but there were no number buttons! finally after scavenging around numerous unnumbered conveyor belts, I found my bags and decided to catch a taxi to my home in the next city.

It was utter pandemonium as I waited for my taxi. None of the taxis had call numbers and there was not even a semblance of order as the taxi drivers rushed to pick up passengers.

I managed to jump into a taxi and headed to the freeway, but which one, as all of the numbers on the sign posts had been painted over.

People were driving at any speed that they wished, as there were no speed limits posted! A speeding car suddenly swerved into our lane and I yelled, "Get his licence plate number!'' It was then that I realised that none of the cars had licence plate numbers! The taxi driver needed me to describe my freeway exit to him, as there were no exit numbers. We searched for what seemed an eternity to find my home, which had previously been located at No.256, 42nd Street, but this no longer existed! The driver finally found my house.

When I attempted to pay him, I realised that the meter had no numbers! Numbered currency had also been outlawed, and so I had to give him my new Polo Ralph Lauren leather wallet as payment.

I rushed into my deserted home. "What is happening to the world?'' I slumped into a chair and quickly flicked on the television, but there were no channels! As I sat not knowing what to do next, an emergency message appeared on the screen. Adolf Mussolini Stalin had been overthrown by the people for outlawing numbers. The people had spoken, "numbers are important!'' Sarah West, age 11, Bermuda High School, year 7.