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Honour for Dr. Price

recently elected vice president of the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium, Alcohol and Other Drugs during their fall conference in San Diego, California.

Dr. Price has played a large role in establishing NDC education and training events for addiction counselling and other professional staff, as well as introducing International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium education guidelines for the Addiction Studies Programme at the Bermuda College.

In a NDC newsletter, NDC chief executive officer Dr. Derrick Binns said that Dr. Price's election was a significant accomplishment for Bermuda.

"Given the size of our Island, the short period of time during which our board had been in operation and the number of persons certified by our board, the election of Dr. Price as vice president, representing the Bermuda Board, attests to the high quality of professionals that are providing services to Bermuda.

"The NDC congratulates Dr. Price on this accomplishment.'' *** The Allan Vincent Smith Foundation and the Community Education Development programme launch a free AIDS awareness workshop this evening at the Spice Valley Middle School in Warwick.

The goal of the four-week course is to provide up-to-date information regarding the transmission, reproduction, progression and treatment of HIV and AIDS.

And by the end of the workshops, which run from 6 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday, participants will be able to name the four transmission fluids, identify the three routes of transmission and state three types of treatment options.

To register for the programme call the Allan Vincent Smith Foundation at 295-6882 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or the Community Education Programme at 236-0829.

*** La Maison Francaise des Bermudes, in association with Masterworks Foundation, invite all to attend a lecture and slide presentation entitled `Echecs et Reussites de Van Gogh' (Failures and Successes of Van Gogh).

The presentation, under the distinguished patronage of the French Honorary Consul Edgar Humann-Guilleminot and Mrs. Humann-Guilleminot, will be held at the Bermuda Underwater Institute on January 31 at 3 p.m.

Professor Michel Dupre, art historian at the Sorbonne University, will present an in-depth look at Van Gogh's work in two 45-minute sessions.

Refreshments will be served at intermission and wine will be served at the end of the presentation.

Tickets are $50 each and are available at La Maison Francaise and at Masterworks. The proceeds will be used for scholarships for students at La Maison Francaise and at the Masterworks Foundation.

*** The Masterworks Foundation will be featuring the work of Vladimir Stan who has been the artist-in-residence at the Terrance Gallery, Dockyard since November.

Mr. Stan's Paris work and his impressions of Bermuda have been on exhibition at the Masterworks 97 Front Street gallery from January 15.

*** Artist-in residence Fred Franzen, from Toronto, Canada will hold workshops at the Art Centre Two in Dockyard on January 23 and February 13 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The workshops will focus on experimentation and discovery, making use of uncommon material, tools and `found stuff'.

To register for the $30 workshop call the Masterworks Terrance Gallery, Dockyard at 234-0701.

Dr. Lynda Price