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Sandys man guilty of assault in altercation with Policemen

Eugene Levi Robinson, of Bob's Valley Road Sandys, was found guilty of common assault in Supreme Court yesterday almost a year after he was involved in a fight with two Policemen.

He was charged with escaping lawful custody, assault with intent to prevent his own detention and assaulting P.c. Dean Stanford.

The offences were alleged to have occurred on March 12, 1994 around 10 p.m. on Bob's Valley Road after P.c. Stanford and P.c. Pythagoras Santiago saw Robinson pass five dollars to another man.

Consequently they stopped and arrested him on suspicion of conducting a drugs transaction.

The crux of the Crown's case was that the Police had reasonable and proper grounds to arrest and search Robinson.

The defence said the arrest and search was unlawful, therefore Robinson was acting in self-defence.

After more than four hours of deliberating the jury was unable to reach a verdict on the charge that Robinson escaped lawful custody.

They returned not guilty verdicts to the assault with intent to prevent his own detention, and assaulting Dean Stanford.

However, they convicted him of a lesser alternative charge of common assault.

Robinson's lawyer Mr. Archie Warner argued that his client did not deserve to go to prison because his last criminal offences, which involved obstructing a Police officer and violently resisting arrest, occurred more than four years ago.

Mr. Warner also pointed out that normally charges of common assault were dealt with in Magistrates' Court and the maximum sentence was 12 months in the most serious cases.

"This is not the most serious case,'' Mr. Warner said. "This is not a case for a custodial sentence.

"There is nothing to indicate that the defendant encouraged the injuries or the extent of the injuries unfortunately inflicted on the Police officers.'' Chief Justice the Hon. Mr. Justice Ward remanded Robinson in custody until March 20 for sentencing.

Mr. Philip Storr appeared for the Crown.

Kyle Baxter, 18, pleaded guilty earlier this month to assaulting P.c. Santiago and P.c. Stanford and causing them grievous bodily harm on March 12, 1994.

He was remanded in custody and will also be sentenced on March 20, 1995. A social inquiry report has been ordered. He was represented by lawyer Mr. Ed Bailey.