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Our Christmas gifts to Bermuda

Bermudians have definite ideas about what they would like to give.Some of the ideal gifts confronted social issues and some were political, but all had the Country's best interests at heart.

Bermudians have definite ideas about what they would like to give.

Some of the ideal gifts confronted social issues and some were political, but all had the Country's best interests at heart.

Peace was one of the most popular gift ideas for the Island. If he had the opportunity, general contractor Mr. Ricky Sousa would give Bermuda all the joy and happiness in the world.

Mr. Walter Adderley's Christmas wish for Bermuda would be for everyone to stop fighting amongst themselves.

"I would make it Christmas all the time,'' he added.

Unity, cooperation, love and happiness is what Mrs. Josephine Lowe wishes she could give to Bermuda as a Christmas present. "We need to get together as a family, because there's not enough togetherness.'' Mr. Jerome Cook's holiday wish was simple but meaningful. "I would give Bermuda a new life and love,'' he said.

If interior designer Mrs. Melanie Bean could choose any present in the world for the island she would choose racial tolerance.

Mrs. Mandy Whayman, a company secretary, agreed with this sentiment. "My Christmas present to Bermuda would be a big bag of harmony,'' she said.

Many locals had a social conscious when deciding what their Christmas gift to Bermuda would be if it was possible. Many wished they could put an end to all problems which the island has experienced recently.

Student Ms Julie Williams wished for peace, happiness and financial security.

Mrs. Penny Cox, a corporate administrator said "I would find a cure for AIDS and try to do something about the wild cat population.'' A lot of Bermudians framed their answers around local issues.

A more efficient airport is what Mr. Hershey Smith would like to present to the island for Christmas. "An airport which would keep up with all the traffic and not have tourist delays,'' he said.

Mr. Willard Zuill's wish for Bermuda was better child care.

Mr. Henry Alfred Wheatley's present to Bermuda would be "peace, happiness and independence''.

And if Mr. Blake Lambert could give the Island any gift in the world it would be "a better understanding of Bermuda's young, black educated males and what they have to offer, rather than how much of a threat they pose''.

P.c. David Gillis took a different tack: He said he would give snow to Bermuda if he could. PHOTO Mrs. Josephine Lowe Mr. Willard Zuill Mr. Henry Wheatley P.c. David Gillis Mr. Blake Lambert Mrs. Mandy Whayman.