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Bermuda Institute opens computer labs

The Bermuda Institute opened its new computer lab last week.The elementary school lab, which was funded by the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, now carries that name said BI director of development Friga Simmons.The school received $100,000 in funding from the Bank of Bermuda Foundation to create a new computer lab for the elementary students and also to renovate an existing one for secondary students.

The Bermuda Institute opened its new computer lab last week.

The elementary school lab, which was funded by the Bank of Bermuda Foundation, now carries that name said BI director of development Friga Simmons.

The school received $100,000 in funding from the Bank of Bermuda Foundation to create a new computer lab for the elementary students and also to renovate an existing one for secondary students.

Fidelity International Limited and Belco donated $10,000 each toward the renovation costs of the existing lab.

Ms Simmons said the labs are identical and have 26 computers in each.

She said the companies investing in the computer lab for the children is an investment in Bermuda's future.

“Investing in people brings unimagined dividends,” said Ms Simmons.