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Balloons killing sea creatures

This was the message yesterday from Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo librarian Penny Hill, who also praised the staff and students of Victor Scott Primary School, who held a balloon-free celebration in September.

She said: "Helium-filled balloons that are released into the atmosphere eventually burst and fall to the Earth's surface.

"Animals, particularly those in aquatic environments, are vulnerable to lethally ingesting latex balloons.'' Balloons released in Bermuda "are 100 percent sure'' to end up in the ocean where they become fatal meals for local creatures, such as the green turtle.

When a dead turtle was recovered locally, continued Ms Hill, it nearly always had a stomach full of various kinds of plastics including bits of balloon.

"With so many people working for the conservation of marine turtles through the Bermuda Turtle Project, it is sad to realise that turtles continue to die because of our carelessness.

"The staff and students of Victor Scott Primary should be very proud of their balloon-free celebration, knowing that it did not endanger any of our precious marine life.'' EDUCATION ED ENVIRONMENT ENV