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Sometimes it’s important to enjoy the moment

Early Sunday morning passed in a hassle, a rush, and on a road.

Even given an extra hour by the clock for daylight savings did not help much. I had to take our daughter, Ava, to a sailboat race in town and we hurried to arrive on time.

Driving back home, I thought about what I had to do during the day, built plans in my mind and worried about how much I needed to do. I was nervous that I might not be able to accomplish everything.

My favourite part of the South Shore passes high over Warwick Long Bay. From the overlook beside the main road you can see the rugged rocks, broken cliffs and pink sand stretching far to the west.

At this point, I always slow down to admire the breathtaking view: the brilliant expanse of the Gulf Stream reflecting like beaten silver, the long rolls of cascading surf. I think of the unstoppable power of the current, bringing warmth and life from the distant Caribbean, pushing the vast mats of Sargasso weed, the soaring summer longtails, the muscular schools of migrating tuna, and in the spring, mighty humpback whales singing their age-old songs.

This morning, I saw a band of flickering light on the horizon, making its way through the dark indigo of storm clouds. It was surreal, foreboding yet attractive, inviting but a little frightening. In a strange whim of nature, the clouds formed an arch from which a column of bright light spilt to the glittering surface of the sea. I held my breath. It was a godlike, powerful spectacle of energy.

I stopped the car on the viewing point to enjoy this extraordinary unfolding drama so generously presented to me. A taxi stopped next to my car, and the driver, an elderly and unhurried Bermudian, got out.

To my great surprise, he began photographing this inexpressible landscape with his phone. In the wonderful Bermuda tradition, we greeted each other, and he sadly told me: “It is so beautiful here! How unfortunate that I must continue to work and can’t stay to enjoy the view.”

At this moment, I was struck by such a simple, but important insight, what could be more important for me than this beauty now? The gym and its sweaty people with detached faces and headphones?

Why am I always in a hurry somewhere, thinking that I will not have time to do something very important? Maybe the most important thing is happening right here and now, at this very moment. What could be more essential than appreciating the beauty of the world? To realise how blessed we are, that we do not just live, but live in one of the most beautiful places on earth?

I looked at the driver and said: “You know, I’m lucky. I have an extra hour to enjoy this.”

I parked the car, went to the beach, took off my shoes and put my toes into the cool, fresh water of the wild and mysterious ocean. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, held it and exhaled. I breathed out my troubles and sorrow. My fears and regrets vanished in the salty air. I told myself that this time is mine and I will be happy and calm. All my affairs and problems will wait.

I was in the moment, present, enjoying and feeling it. I gazed with appreciation at the beach and people around me. I admired a young and slender girl, gracefully cresting a wave on her board and surrounded by rushing white water.

A gentle rain began. I looked at the children who were so keen on building a castle in the sand.

Shouting loudly and hotly arguing about what kind of tower should be built, they did not even notice that it was raining. Their wise mother wrapped herself in a towel and did not interfere with their creative flights of thought.

I considered that at some point in our life we suddenly stopped loving the rain. It became an inconvenience. It made us wet and uncomfortable. We could even catch a cold!

In that instant, I wanted to run through the rain like a child, to feel and enjoy it. And I ran! I ran until I couldn’t run anymore, and dropped panting to the wet sand as waves swirled around me in a cool caress. The sea was peppered with tiny raindrops and above the lighthouse a rainbow arced in a vibrant band of red and yellow and green.

It was my best morning energy charge ever. How important it can be to leave your business behind and follow the impulses and desires of the soul. To be able to enjoy the moment, the special memory of which will remain with us and keep us smiling for many days.

Sometimes we don’t need to go to special classes to calm ourselves down because the best meditation is right in front of us. It is our mother, nature.

Nina London is a certified wellness and weight-management coach. Her mission is to support and inspire mature women to make positive changes in their body and mind. Share your inspirational stories with her here: ninalondon.com