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Caricom opponents are `racist'

New Government Senate Leader David Burch has claimed that some of those opposed to Bermuda exploring the idea of joining Caricom - the Caribbean Community and Common Market - are racist.

Government is currently looking at becoming a member of Caricom but Sen. Burch promised: "If the costs are prohibitive we won't do it."

He told the Senate yesterday during the debate on the Throne Speech - the Government's upcoming legislative programme: "If we decide not to proceed we will tell the Country why.

"We are waiting for information from Caricom about costs before we come forward with recommendations."

He said Government was spreading information about Caricom to the wider community through a group run by Health Minister Nelson Bascome.

Sen. Burch said: "When we have all the information we will go back to the community.

"Some of the arguments from people of Caribbean descent just shock me.

"I think this country has a history - I think it's racist, of being quite discriminatory about places in the Caribbean."

Sen. Burch said disparaging the Caribbean was contradictory when so much of Bermudian society had already fostered links with the region.

He said: "It's quite all right to send the Regiment to train and accept the assistance and professional expertise from the Regiment there - but we don't want a relationship.

"It's quite all right to be a member of the Caribbean Hotel Association - but we don't want a relationship."

He said business here was linked with business organisations there and the trade unions here were linked with unions in that region.

He said: "We just want to look at what's worst about it and then say we don't want to go down that road."

Sen. Burch pointed out that the Cayman Islands is looking into getting associated status.

He said Bermudians in the Regiment often had a negative attitude about Jamaica before being sent there - but then ended up returning as visitors of their own volition.

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