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MacKaylin’s precious gift to charity

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Six-year-old MacKaylin Simmons

Six-year-old MacKaylin Simmons can’t remember how exactly she found out about the Locks of Love programme.But for two years the Heron Bay Primary student has been resolute in her decision to cut and donate her hair to the charity.This weekend MacKaylin was able to accomplish the goal and had ten inches of hair chopped off at Saphora Hair Salon on Union Street. The strands will go to Locks of Love’s office in West Palm Beach, Florida, and used to make hairpieces for children suffering from long-term medical hair losses, like alopecia.The youngster said she wanted to be able to help “people who don’t have hair and who are sick”. She said she felt “happy and excited” about the task.“I want to help the sick children. I want them to have long pretty hair, like I have,” she said.While MacKaylin said the idea to donate her hair “just popped into my head”, mother Shakia Simons thinks she may have learned about the programme from one of her preschool teachers.Ms Simons said: “She has been asking to do it since she was four and she came home one day from preschool and was talking about Locks of Love.“I had never heard about it before so I went on the computer and started to research about it.”The mom said she got mixed reviews when she told friends about MacKaylin’s idea two years ago. Some thought it was a great idea and encouraged her to let MacKaylin do it, others felt she was too young and urged Ms Simons to wait a few years.“The idea kind of fell by the wayside, but it never left her mind and she was still asking about it years later,” she said. Ms Simons decided to let her daughter cut her hair and was very happy about her daughter’s kind act.Ms Simons said: “I am very, very proud of her for at the time she was four [when she first started talking about it], but now she is six.“Despite the time that passed, she was still very serious about doing it so she is definitely committed to the idea and that is not really normal for a child her age.”She described her daughter as a very outgoing, caring and helpful child and said whenever there are chores to do around the house she tries to lend a hand.