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Loosing fifteen pounds is no easy feat, but Georgette Caines has proven that it can be done sensibly.

Her weight was 266 pounds when she began the Lindo's 100 Day Challenge.

When asked if she was surprised or disappointed with her weight loss, she replied: "I was pleased to be in the double digit area because I had put the time and work in, but feel that I can do better.

"The hardest part(s) for me is coming to the realisation that I had let myself get out of control, and secondly Boot Camp. Monroe's boot camp sessions have caused me to re-evaluate the meaning of hard work, he has taken it to a whole new level.

"I find this the most challenging part of the competition."

But time seems to always be a factor. "It is not difficult, just time consuming, but to be involved in a programme like this you have to make sacrifices."

As she has implemented additional workouts of walking, rowing and gym in the morning.

"I plan to start working out three times a day," she added. "I have been blessed to have support from my gym partners; my husband Neville, and children Mica and Marquis, and my walking partner Alice.

"I also train with my teammates five times a week.

"The support from my family, friends and the community has been overwhelming and encouraging especially when out walking. It's inspirational to have the community rooting for you and encouraging you."

She said that dieting is not really a challenge.

"So far I have managed to stay within the guidelines and it seems to be working for me."

"I have learned quite a few valuable lessons thus far. I have learned to tap into my inner strength, to rely on my faith when things get hard, that without hard work and perseverance I won't lose the weight, to appreciate the support from team mates, and that I can win the battle and succeed in this competition because I am a phenomenal woman."