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Harris to challenge Bascome in St George

Businessman Alfonso Harris will challenge Kenneth Bascome for the position of Mayor of St George.Mr Harris, the owner of Churchill’s cigar and liquor store on York Street, currently sits as a Common Councillor.Asked about why he decided to run for the higher office, Mr Harris said: “I want to do what I can for St George’s. I’m just trying to do what I can.”Common Councillors Quinell Francis and Renee Ming will also seek higher positions in the Corporation in the May 10 election as they have both entered the race for Alderman.They will be running against standing Aldermen Steven Hollis and Garth Rothwell.There will not be an election for Common Councillor this year as only four individuals put forward their names. Common Councillors George Sutherland and Eakin McLaughlin will both retain their seats, joined by the head of the East End Division of the Chamber of Commerce Cheryl Hayward-Chew and St George’s resident Phillip Anderson.A follow-up election will be held following to determine the fifth Common Councillor.

St GeorgeMayor:n Kenneth Bascomen Alfonso HarrisAlderman;n Quinell Francisn Steven Hollisn Renee Mingn Eric RothwellCommon Councillor:n Eakin McLaughlinn Philip Andersonn George Sutherlandn Cheryl Hayward-Chew