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Gordon to visit Washington

Premier Pamela Gordon will this weekend begin her first overseas duties since taking over the leadership reigns in March.

Ms Gordon is scheduled to leave the Island tomorrow and spend the next few days with the Bermuda Regiment at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

"I will be inspecting the Regiment and will be the host of a reception for the US senior officers there,'' she said.

From Camp Lejeune, Ms Gordon will fly to Washington D.C. where she is expected to be joined by Finance Minister Grant Gibbons and a representative from the US General Consul's office in Bermuda.

Dr. Gibbons said most of the meetings in the US capital will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

"But not all of them are clear at this time so I prefer not to comment on who we will expect to meet,'' Dr. Gibbons said.

But he confirmed that they expected to meet with Congressmen and Senators who were supporters of Bermuda and knew former Premiers Sir John Swan and David Saul.

Discussions with US Navy officials will take place the following week, Dr.

Gibbons added.

The local contingent also plan to meet with Secretary of the Navy John Dalton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy William Cassidy, and the Assistant Undersecretary of the Navy Robert Pirrie who is responsible for environmental matters.

"We have had a series of ongoing discussions with the Navy,'' Dr. Gibbons said, recalling that he, Dr. Saul, and a Bermuda delegation met with US President Bill Clinton and US Navy men last year.

Discussions are expected to continue on three main issues -- disposal of asbestos mainly collected from former US base buildings, underground storage tanks on the Base lands which have been leaking petroleum products, and the maintenance of Longbird Bridge which remains the responsibility of the US Navy.

Dr. Gibbons said: "The Premier in her new capacity will provide some new input and make clear her position where Bermuda stands.'' WOMEN WOM REGIMENT MIL