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Young business leaders show the way forward

Three members of the Berkeley Institute Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of Bermuda (FBLB) spoke to Hamilton Lions yesterday and appealed for a partnership between business leaders present and future.

President of FBLB, Michaela Clamens, 16, summed up the group's sentiments with a quote from Steven Covey: "You can't have the fruits without the roots.'' And she said: "We are the fruits of tomorrow, and you are the roots of the business world that nurture us and help us to grow. "We hope that this is the beginning of a partnership- a partnership with your organisation that will enrich us and empower us to flourish.'' First Vice President of FBLB, Jarrod Brown, and Second Vice President, Amanda Pacheco also spoke to the Lions about their experiences with the youth organisation.

Amanda Pacheco, 16 of Sandys parish said in her speech: "FBLB is an organisation which helps high-school aged teens to develop the skills needed to succeed in the world today...by teaching the fundamentals of its motto to its members.'' Their motto is "Scholarship, leadership, citizenship,'' Jarrod Brown, 16 of Pembroke parish spoke about the Future Business leaders of America (FBLA) conference he attended with 16 classmates in Long Beach California last month.

Of the two courses on offer at the conference, communications and entrepreneurship, he chose the second and learned about project planning, team building and professionalism.

His team was one of four to get to the final round, the funding stage, after 16 teams started.

His team then presented their business model to the CEO of Hewlett Packard, the CEO of Newswire, and a venture capitalist.

He said he was given a feel for what companies go through to raise money and how important it is to explain a concept quickly, precisely, and to the point.

The winning business model received a grant of $500.

Jarrod enjoyed meeting Future Business Leaders from around the world and said: "I never thought I would meet members form Belgium or Portugal. "This gave me a chance to network with other members, sharing our ideas and ambitions, and at the end of it I even made some friends.'' Future Business Leaders: Amanda Pacheco, left, Jarrod Brown, and Michaela Clamens, right, hold the certificates given to them for speaking at Hamilton Lions weekly meeting about their future as Business leaders in Bermuda.