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Two answer drugs charges

Magistrate Carlisle Greaves yesterday ordered a 25-year-old man to pay $1,500 for possession of marijuana in an increased penalty zone.

The court heard that Jason DeSousa, of Pembroke, was found with 5.04 grams of cannabis on February 9 at the Spanish Point Boat Club.

Crown counsel Oonagh Vaucrosson told the court that Police had attended the club on a separate matter at the same time. DeSousa was searched and found to be in possession of the drug.

In court DeSousa declined to say anything and Mr. Greaves handed down fines of $500 for the offence and $1,000 for being in possession of the controlled substance in an increased penalty zone. The building is used for youth recreational activities.

DeSousa must pay the fine by June 28 or serve a six-month sentence.

l A second man also appeared before Magistrates' Court to answer to charges of possession with intent to supply, possession of a scale for misuse of a controlled drug, assaulting a Police officer and violently resisting arrest.

Shane Proctor, of Spring Benny Road, Sandys pleaded not guilty to all of the four charges. The 37-year-old man will stand trial on June 19. He was released on $5,000 bail.