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Survey: Residents approve of Govt.'s handling of Fabian crisis

Bermuda residents have expressed a very high level of satisfaction with the Government's emergency response to Hurricane Fabian.

Only five percent voiced dissatisfaction with the Government's response, according to a poll by Bermuda's Total Marketing & Communications and Canadian affiliate Corporate Associates. Satisfaction with the Government's emergency response is fairly consistent across the Island, although most likely to report complete satisfaction were lower income households and younger residents.

The results are part of the Bermuda Omnibus, an independent quarterly survey of a representative sample of 402.

No-one in Government was available to provide a response to the survey nor provide The Royal Gazette with details of how many people had called the Fabian hotline or the nature of their enquiries.

Government indicated a Press conference on the Fabian response would be held last week and have now said that one was likely to be held on Wednesday or Thursday.