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Donors rise to Moore's challenge

a challnege erlier this year to supporters of the Bio Station -- if they could raise $50,000 for new research equipment, he would match it.

Mr. Moore, president of the Jardine companies in Bermuda, pledged the money earlier this year after the BBSR won two grants from the US National Science Foundation for a new marine service building and a light isotope mass spectrometer, which could replace the use of radioactive tracers.

The BBSR was given $125,000 for the new instrument and $100,000 for a new warehouse contingent on it raising $50,000 each for the two projects. Mr.

Moore said he would match each donation up to $50,000.

works by associate research scientist Dr. Frederic Lipshultz, centre, and BBSR director Dr. Anthony Knap. Mr. Moore matched a $50,000 donation for the equipment.